Sea of Monsters Movie Part 1
Well now that we've finished covering a great TV show, let's palette cleanse with a trash movie! Thankfully, the beginning third is actually not terrible? TNO newcomer Michael Harle takes the stage with longtime favorite Kelly Schubert and Mike (who's fine, I guess) live in Austin, TX to break it down. Topics include: Christmas fits, snooty snoots, titles, multiple Es, BASE!, Most Extreme Elimination Challenge, Clarisse, Annabeth’s personality, vuvuzelas, Stanley Tucci, Ted Lasso, unfinished adaptations, The Demigod Files, imposter syndrome, Shinda Rhymes, orange juice, Jungkook, Muppets 3D, Palpatine, Himbo Tyson, Stanley Tucci, Larry Bird, HEB, Tussin, legal matters, pasta, and more!
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