The Newest Olympian is a podcast covering the journey of Mike Schubert, a grown man who had never read a single page of a Percy Jackson novel. Each week, he is joined by longtime PJO fans to cover the plot, take stabs at what happens next, and nerd out over Greek mythology. Whether you're looking for an excuse to finally read these books, or want to re-read an old favorite with a digital book club, grab your blue chocolate chip cookies and listen along. As of September 2024, the podcast has amassed over 8,500,000 total downloads.
The creator of The Newest Olympian, Mike Schubert, is a full-time podcaster living in New York City. He's also the creator of Modern Muckraker, Potterless, and Meddling Adults; the co-creator of HORSE; and a player on 20 to Midnight. You can follow him on Twitter or Instagram if you like dad jokes and cooking photos respectively.
Mike Schubert - Creator, Host, Producer, Social Media, Website
Sherry Guo - Editor
Bettina Campomanes - Music
Brandon Grugle - Sound Design
Jessica E. Boyd - Art
Want to read along with the podcast?
Here's the plan for the next month:
Episode 145 [9/16] - The Lost Hero Ch. 39–40
Episode 146 [9/23] - The Lost Hero Ch. 41–42
Week Off [9/30] - standard 5-monday month break
Episode 147 [10/7] - The Lost Hero Ch. 43–46